
时间:2019-11-03 13:26:59   热度:37.1℃   作者:网络


想要出国访问学习的小伙伴看过来啦,美国哈佛大学正在招收访问学者、博士后。谈到医学院,哈佛是美国当之无愧的头牌 ,哈佛大学在美国大学医学院排名第一,很多专业在美国大学的专业排名均在全美TOP5。51访学网小编每周五定时更新最新的访学招聘信息,感谢关注51访学。

A postdoctoral / visiting scholar position is available in the Lemos lab (http://lemoslab.org/publications/) at Harvard University T. H. Chan School of Public Health. The ideal candidate would have a strong expertise in bioinformatics and keen interest in themes of genomics, epigenetics, DNA methylation analysis, nuclear architecture, and aging. The ideal candidate would be motivated to pursue computational analyses of genomic/epigenomic data and be inspired by the biology of human and model organism aging.

Our laboratory is housed at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health, located within a vibrant research community that also includes the Harvard Medical School and several affiliated hospitals. The school has significant strengths in biostatistics, computational biology, genomics, engineering, and experimental biology that will be within reach of the fellow. Candidates should be self-motivated and have the ability to work independently as well as collaborate and support other team members.


**Proficiency in>**Experience with DNA methylation analysis is a plus

Experience with genomics and/or epigenomics, as indicated by a publication record. *Ability to drive her/his own projects as well as collaborate and contribute to the development of projects of other lab members

Informal enquires of interested candidates with other backgrounds and interests are also welcome (e.g., biochemistry, cell biology, etc)

Applications should be sent to Bernardo Lemos at [email protected]. Please send a cover letter describing your interests, expertise, and research vision (~ 1-2 pages) and a C.V. containing contact information for three references. Please add the phrase 「Postdoctoral / visiting scholar Application」 in the subject line of your introductory email.


哈佛大学(Harvard University),简称“哈佛”,坐落于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿都市区剑桥市,是一所享誉世界的私立研究型大学,是著名的常春藤盟校成员。



2017-2018年,哈佛大学位列世界大学学术排名(ARWU)世界第一 、USNews世界大学排名世界第一 、QS世界大学排名世界第三、泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名世界第六。2017年6月,《泰晤士高等教育》公布世界大学声誉排名,哈佛大学排名世界第一。







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